Cycling and Epiphany

For the love of cycling and the outdoors

Tag: Health

The Power of the Brain!

Call it whatever you want :a beautiful instrument or a weapon. Our brain is fascinating as it is literally who we are. I had this fantastic discussion with my friend Paula who shares my interests in brain Science and wellness. She is a synth-pop artist from England. I was telling her about my new hobby which is learning how to ride a bike.

“Your brain is forming new neural pathways re: learning to use a bike.
Learning new skills, although hard at first, is vital for your brain health and function so stick with it.
I watched a program about “How to stay Young” on the BBC these last 2 weeks, a documentary, and they said by age 70% on average humans have lost 20% of their brain capacity as our brain mass shrinks as part of the ageing process.
So keep doing new stuff basically!!! 
New skills, also walking increases the size of the hippocampus so going for longish walks is key too.
Below are two videos she shared with me. So enjoy. Always take care of your brain and your body. If you do that then they will take care of you too! I have learned that learning new skill is vital to our creativity.”- Paula.

Have You Watched The Paleo Way – Pete Evans interviews Seamus Mullen? Interesting.

I am currently doing TRX. The regular running and weightlifting have evolved into this. And when you are trying to take care of your body, you realise that you also need to pay attention to what you are eating. With so many opinions out there, it is good to know what works for you. This is a fascinating video as Pete Evans interviews Seamus Mullens.

What are good fats?

Is sugar really bad for you?

These things and more will be addressed in this video.

Music is my life

This post is inspired by an Instagram pic I posted last Sunday which I attached here. Because so many people agree with the statement, so I feel I need to write something here just to expound on the idea a little bit. Since I was in Grade school, I’ve always been drawn to music. I blame my late mom for spoiling me. She said that all she needed to do to quite me down was to turn on the radio. When I hear the music as a baby, then I’d shut up. Maybe it’s the company of the human voices that made 11148580_10153342125608440_3027716401913855304_nme feel at ease. Or maybe I just love melody out of instinct.

…Which lead me to collect records as a High school student. I joined a short-lived alternative band after college but that was not the end with my musical affair. Years and years later I found myself writing band reviews and now I am a music blogger! The good feeling one experiences with music is priceless. When you are sad, you just turn on the radio or play your favorite albums via any player of your choice and you are transported into another world. A more beautiful and gentle world. Music is an escape. Just like books and other forms of art. And it is something that stays with you long after friends and lovers are gone. To borrow from Jim Morisson-music is your friend until the end.

So yes, music is really therapeutic and amazing. It is your friend and you can get any way you want. How about you? What type of music appeals to you and did you have an experience that made you realize that music is going to be a part of your life forever? Care to share?

Feeling fantastic by being fit

I feel so good. Just returned from the gym. I now do it every day. My routine is eating light then having a cup of coffee. After that I do cardio and then lift weights. I always say to friends that planning is easy. But executing the plan and sticking to the plan, man, these things take will power and commitment. IMG_0742

An accident that resulted to my right hand injury taught me a lot. I realise that at the end of the day, we are all alone (unless we are living with family members or we are married with kids). If you don’t take care of your self, then who will? I was the one who checked my self to the hospital, suffered the injections, and the fact that they had to put my hand in a cast. And who took the meds every morning after? Me.

So I said to myself, that’s it. No more laziness. You got to love yourself. There is something amazing about taking care of our bodies. I am not religious, but Christian friends talk about the body as a temple. I think other religions share this view. What you do to your body says something about you. If you respect yourself then you want to make sure you inhabit a body that is healthy and strong.

So what do you think? Can you make plans and stick to them no matter how hard? Its always taking small steps. Just like how babies walk. And then you start to run. And you smash the door into your freedom. There is a bright new world out there. Let’s all be free. Let’s do it!

Goals goals goals

We all have goals. Some bigger, others as simple as making sure we wake at six so we can start our day with a positive note. My goal is to be able to run on weekends and to reach the intended distance. Today was not one of those days as the rain was bad. But I managed to do that in ine of these deserted spaces of a sports complex. You see, when there is the desire then there is always a way. But if you lack desire then you end up making excuses. Keeping fit is like any relationship. You give it time and space. You respect that relationship therefore you don’t take it for granted, even if your body is telling you to it is too early.

I got my iPhone sports armband yesterday. I am so stoked in trying it. I don’t think I can afford that Apple  watch so I’d rather stick to my gold iPhone 6 plus that does things like the watch and so much more. The phone this big is not practical for putting in your pocket while you run. The armband took all that awkwardness and it feels good!

Rain may fall and there is no stopping the weather. But will you let it stop you? 


Instagraming with other fitness fanatics!

I like Instagram as it is a tool to reach out to other people who share your interests, be it indie music, running or reading books. Today I saw likers who take pride in their amazing bodies. It is inspiring and it makes me want to contribute something more to the bigger picture. Enjoy your weekend friends! 

Exercise, coffee and creativity

It’s only been a week since I enrolled in a local gym and I am already feeling the benefits. Routine is good as it sets everything in order. It gives one a sense of purpose. It is something that gives you that feeling of enthusiasm to go no matter how lazy you feel. Working at night and then doing something after was like a big deal for me. Now I am up and running after eight in the morning(the end of my shift) and change into my sports attire. 

Upon arriving, my fellow gymates give me nods or smiles acknowledging my membership to the fold. I  then run around the oval to burn those calories and exercise my heart. Then, I get inside and start lifting weights. Occasionally, a guy would help me when he sees i’m struggling with the weights or the equipments. Otherwise I am independent and I learn by observing.  

I used to abstain from anything before workout but I did a research. It is actually good to drink coffee before running or lifting weights. Check this link and you will know why:

See? There is nothing wrong with a little caffeine or taking little food before burning those calories. 

Going to the gym is like going to class. You are there with your team to improve yourselves. It has opened a new world of possibilities and way of thinking for me. Loving yourself means trying to look your best and avoiding getting sick by staying fit. There is also an improvement in my creative drive as exercise gives me that energy to blog.

I can’t wait for my next sessions! 

When I walked into the gym…

   I mentioned I turned 40 this year. So many things are changing in me – probably the shift of priorities brough by age. Being gay and unmarried or not having a partner, I found I am able to do the things I like to do. I have no anchor. My foster mom passed away two years ago. I am doing things I used to hate doing. I guess it is stubborness. The refusal to adhere to anything or follow the flow of life that many people succumb to. I refuse to be labelled as a nerd who is bookish(which is true) or an introvert. My years of experience working on sales took my shyness away. But part of me will always seek solitude whenever I can. 

Today I went to the sports complex and found that there is a mini gym.  When I stepped inside it seemed that there was music playing. Something about the atmosphere of the place spoke to me. A friendly gym instructor gave me information about membership and that he’s going to write me a fitness program. He is perhaps in his late 20s to early 30s. I warmed up to the whole thing and told him I will sign up next week.

So why am into fitness? It is all about a little bit of vanity. I was overweight and it is hard to find good clothes that fit me. I became healthier since I started. I can now think clearly. Ideas come easily. I live  with ease. 

I will never be a jock with awesome body. But I have more stamina in case there is a zombie apocalypse. It is a whole new world for me and I love to take it in. And I can’t wait to get sore. 

For people who are in the night shift


(Picture courtesy of the author’s Instagram)

If you work at night, you know that sleep is precious. Unwanted noise can wake you up in the middle of the day. Going back to sleep can be hard. There are tips I can share since I am in the night shift. This might not work for some, but at least it is a start. I worked in an industry that demands that you work in the night and sleep by day. It’s been going on since 2003. Wow I don’t know how I survived but I am sharing the things that keep me passionate and hospital free!

1. Take care of your body. I am lazy and I love the sedentary life but I still drag my ass off thr bed to do cardio at least three times a week. Working at night can make you lazy and there is that danger of gaining weight because the body clock is disrupted. 

2. Get as much sleep as you can. Make sure your room is darkened enough to make it good for sleeping. Light can disrupt sleep. Having enough sleep can reduce tiredness and irritability during working hours.

3. Challenge your mind. The danger of falling into bad habits is common when you are in a night shift. There are always excuses that occur like ‘I am too tired to read’ or things like that. Have something that takes care of your physical health. But never ignore the mental aspect. Losing sleep is bad for the brain. So don’t stop reading, discovering new music or having time for yourself.

4. Eat healthy food. Avoid the junk just because it is the ‘only thing available.’ The body will suffer the consequences later.

5. Have peace and quiet. Reserve a day in a week where you literally don’t do anything. I choose Sunday for this. It should be a day where you are not commited to other people’s schedule. It is a day where no one demands your time. You will find  that by the time you go to work you feel energize. 

Those are the few things I can give you based on personal experience. Feel free to share your own. Remember, health is wealth. 

Finding inspiration in running

It started as the need for losing extra pounds. I also want something new in my life. I’ve been so caught up in too much tech that I didn’ t realize what I was missing. So at a whim, my friend and I decided to jog every morning. It was liberating as it gave us an oppurtunity to see more of the city before sunrise. 

Hobby turned to habit. I also started losing weight. I no longer feel tired most of time. It is good to be able to run with strangers, to smile at people you just met and might not meet again. But most of all it is good to feel better about myself.

Running is a challenge as it has never been something I excelled as a child. But to do it not as a competitive sport is good.  I just turned 40 this year. And as they say, life begins at 40. 



Spending weekend in bed due to flu. As always, music is my source of comfort. What albums do you listen to when you are sick?
