Goals goals goals

by mrbaxteria2008

We all have goals. Some bigger, others as simple as making sure we wake at six so we can start our day with a positive note. My goal is to be able to run on weekends and to reach the intended distance. Today was not one of those days as the rain was bad. But I managed to do that in ine of these deserted spaces of a sports complex. You see, when there is the desire then there is always a way. But if you lack desire then you end up making excuses. Keeping fit is like any relationship. You give it time and space. You respect that relationship therefore you don’t take it for granted, even if your body is telling you to it is too early.

I got my iPhone sports armband yesterday. I am so stoked in trying it. I don’t think I can afford that Apple  watch so I’d rather stick to my gold iPhone 6 plus that does things like the watch and so much more. The phone this big is not practical for putting in your pocket while you run. The armband took all that awkwardness and it feels good!

Rain may fall and there is no stopping the weather. But will you let it stop you? 


Instagraming with other fitness fanatics!

I like Instagram as it is a tool to reach out to other people who share your interests, be it indie music, running or reading books. Today I saw likers who take pride in their amazing bodies. It is inspiring and it makes me want to contribute something more to the bigger picture. Enjoy your weekend friends!